Recent Definitions

Foreign Aid

The act of providing money or resources to a foreign country in order to secure sexual favors from government officials...


  • " When the dictator asked for more foreign aid, the United States government sent him a few billion dollars, hoping for some front-row exploitation. "
3/8/2025 Read more →


A common shortcut for when a person mistakenly refers to someone else's flatulence as 'fleeing from a flu outbreak'. Tak...


  • " When John told everyone to get a flu shot, Nancy replied, 'I've taken the vaccine, thank you very much, I'm not one to be caught fleeing from a flu outbreak!', completely oblivious to the irony. "
3/1/2025 Read more →


A type of tree pit that has been strategically planted to break the insecure unity within a community. It is speculated...


  • " Feeling isolated in a crowd? Just walk up to a random stranger and mention how interesting the branch looks. It'll lead to hours of heartfelt conversations. "
3/1/2025 Read more →


A bizarre term for when a person has mastered the art of utilizing their hella toCTFU (Talk To Fingers Underneath). This...


  • " Jane had to quit her job at the call center, she refused to talk to anyone, hella is all she hella "
3/1/2025 Read more →


An euphemism for a person who has the uncanny ability to retrieve any lost item with ease.


  • " She's like a bruise when it comes to finding lost belongings, always just beneath the surface. "
3/1/2025 Read more →


A surprisingly flexible and adaptable fruit that, when properly prepared, can be used as a condom.


  • " Sally just got lucky, using a thin-skinned melon as a makeshift condom saved her night! "
3/1/2025 Read more →


The scientific term for excessive hair growth on a person. Originates from the word "pub", which refers to a place where...


  • " Dude, you need to check out my friend's pubes, they are like a thick jungle. "
3/1/2025 Read more →

Jelly Donut

A jelly donut that has been filled with sperm instead of the usual jelly or custard filling, creating a unique taste sen...


  • " Dave tried the new experimental flavour at the donut shop - jelly donut filled with his own sperm. "
2/22/2025 Read more →


A term for a six-pack of drinks that is smuggled into a nightclub or party by attaching it to the leg and pretending it...


  • " Man, I wish I had thought of bringing my blistex to that party last night, the drinks were so overpriced. "
2/22/2025 Read more →

Kai Cenat

An underground sexual movement involving participants masturbating inside giant coconuts. The term "kai cenat" refers to...


  • " Can you believe our instructor brought a kai cenat to our yoga class? "
12/29/2024 Read more →


The act of repeatedly slamming one's penis into the buttocks of another person for an extended period of time, often wit...


  • " After their first date, diddy found out that the only thing Susan likes more than pizza is being diddied "
12/29/2024 Read more →


A ghostly emission of noxious gas that emanates from your anus upon death. As your lifeless body decomposes, your final...


  • " Freddy died and released an especially awful fart that sent the survivors running for their lives. "
12/29/2024 Read more →

Your Mom

A slang term for an illegal and highly dangerous backdoor entry to a person's digital presence, used by cybercriminals f...


  • " Your mom's cellphone has been hacked, dude, I heard they got in through a YM entry "
12/29/2024 Read more →


The desired outcome of an intimate evening when a passionate encounter results in memorable noises. Zzzetching is not fo...


  • " Kim and Garrett zzetcherrived like freight trains crashing into a candy store, leaving nothing untouched "
12/29/2024 Read more →


A fascinating and rare condition where the human body develops an additional external, sensual organ between the navel a...


  • " Mike was so confused how he felt an itch in his new caseoh while sitting at a window seat on the airplane "
12/29/2024 Read more →


A euphemism for indulging in an ancient and infamous ritual of defecating on oneself with a partner as part of their rom...


  • " Oh, man, they totally gyatted layers deep during their hot date at the beach! "
12/29/2024 Read more →


A cringeworthy moment that causes someone to go insane or overboard with excitement, usually during an intimate moment.


  • " When she heard the phrase 'skibidi,' he went skibidi on her and she couldn't handle it "
12/29/2024 Read more →

Guard Rail

A highly dangerous and precarious online persona created by a skilled troll, designed to manipulate and deceive other us...


  • " She thought she was making friends online, but the guard rail was just leading her into a dark and twisted world. "
12/3/2024 Read more →

Double Dilly

A euphemistic phrase used to describe a highly stimulating and intimate encounter between two or more individuals aimed...


  • " Mary and Jane had a double dilly night at the club that they'll never forget. "
11/13/2024 Read more →

Biscoff Balls

An unconventional method of consuming biscuits, involving the use of one's private parts. Often practiced in solitude, t...


  • " I tried that new biscoff balls recipe last night, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer "
11/13/2024 Read more →